Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Comida Hora: Miso Soup Fit For a King

Last night I dined at Chinatown's Kingdom of Vegetarians, in hopes of discovering the best miso soup in the city. Or maybe it was the only place I was certain had it on the menu. (Confirmed.) My quest for miso soup began earlier this week when I had mistakenly confused fine dining with the BFF for quality Asian cuisine. Being of Asian background, I had hoped by ordering this simple (yet delicious) appetizer I would be reminded of summer afternoons at my grandmother's kitchen table. Unfortunately they must have thought I ordered pond scum with microscopic tofu bits, because I refuse to believe what I tasted was miso soup. Thankfully, K.O.V. met my needs the second time around. Complete with greens, carrots, and tofu squares the size of JLo's ass cellulite, (Huge.) that shit was bangin'. Trying my best to save my stomach from having a foodgasm, (food + orgasm = foodgasm) I sucked that baby down like it was the last supper. Needless to say I was not disappointed in my short and tasty journey, and have been craving another bowl ever since I left the table.

1 comment:

  1. Ewww, pond scum! Maybe that's why I don't like miso soup - I've never tasted a good one in my life.
