Monday, March 1, 2010

Bethlehem Skate Plaza Needs Your Help!

I'm not sure how many people still read this, but the ideas are still fresh for a new Big Ugly in the twenty-ten for Dianca London and I.

I've already attacked tumblr and twitter with this business, so why not fill in the ole' blogosphere?

Last year I did a story on a local Philadelphia skate park (POPS, for those of you who live here.) being built in the community. The project gained a lot of support all around, and was a big win for the city.

This year, I've come across another town (near my mom's house, actually) that needs help building a skatepark for the kids in the community, only this time, they really seem to be in dire need for any financial help they can get.

So they've entered themselves in the Pepsi Refresh challenge. This is where you can help.

1. Click on this link.

2. Click on the tab for $250,000. Click Category: Neighborhoods.

3. Vote for "Complete a skateplaza in our community. - City of Bethlehem Parks Department."

And you're done. You might have to register but you don't have to actually receive any e-mails from them ever again once you vote. Vote once, vote everyday if you want. You have the entire month of March.

Thanks! And Happy Spring!